Buddy Guy & Stevie
Ray Vaughn ~ Buddy Guy's Legends Club ~ Chicago, IL
1. It's Still Called the Blues 3.17
2. Champagne and Reefer 25.49
3. Mary Had a Little Lamb 8.38
4. Leave My Girl Alone 18.46
This is Set 3 of a show Buddy played on his birthday
in 1989.
Stevie Ray plays on the last 3 'songs'. This is basically a big
jammin' mutual love fest between Stevie and Buddy.
Buddy has obviously had a few drinks.
Some of the interaction between the two is jaw dropping!!
Each song starts as the song listed, but after a verse or two,
they each morph into a big jam. Buddy touches on many
of his classics during the course of the set, and Stevie Ray
just blazes along behind him, taking the vocal here and there.