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George W. Bush Campaign Press Release
March 30, 2000
Gore To Granny D: Take A Hike!
Vice President Praises 90-year-old Campaign Finance
Advocate, but Refused to Meet with Her Unless She
Donated $500!
AUSTIN, TX - Just days after Vice President Al Gore
praised campaign finance reform advocate Granny D,
news reports revealed that Gore refused to meet with
her unless she agreed to donate $500 to his
presidential campaign.
"The Great Campaign Finance Reformer sounds more like
the Great Pretender," responded Bush for President
spokesman Ari Fleischer. "From monks who took vows of
poverty to Granny D, Al Gore will raise money from
anyone to get elected."
Granny D Gets Praised by Al Gore…
"And it has made me appreciate the real heroes in this
fight….No one better embodies the heart of this
grassroots movement than Doris Haddock, better known
as ‘Granny D,’ a 90-year-old grandmother from New
Hampshire who spent 14 months walking from California
to Washington, D.C. to bring attention to this
cause."--Al Gore in a speech on Campaign Finance
Reform, Monday, March 27.
Granny D Gets Hit Up by Al Gore…
"Vice President Al Gore, in announcing Monday that he
is a born-again campaign finance reformer, referred to
90-year-old Granny D’s yearlong coast-to-coast walk to
draw attention to the issue, referring to her as the
embodiment of a grass-roots effort.
"However, on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition
Tuesday, Anthony Brooks reported that Doris Haddock -
Granny D - had sought to talk to Mr. Gore during her
trek, only to be told it would cost her $500.
"She said when she was walking in Arkansas she
presented herself at a Gore campaign event that turned
out to be a fund-raiser,’ the reporter said. ‘She went
to the door and tried to talk her way in.’ Mrs.
Haddock told the reporter: ‘And they said, "Well,
we'll be happy to have you speak to him if you can
give us five hundred dollars." And I said, "Well, I'm
traveling the pilgrim [sic] and I have no money and
very well," and I walked away.’"--
"Inside Politics: Granny was snubbed," The Washington Times,
by Greg Pierce, Thursday, March 30.